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Website Design

find the Best time to post on facebook

freatured post

Key findings in a nutshell: South African Facebook users increase from around 8 a.m. peaking at 9 a.m. Facebook users increase to peak again at 8 p.m. The greatest dip in Facebook users occur between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Best time to post is Weekdays: particularly Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday The Best time to post …


Website Design for Barbershop

Businesses who use blogs receive 67% more leads than those who do not. So, when the Chop Shop approached us for a website design, we knew we wanted to position them as an Authority in Men’s Grooming. The result is a multi-faceted blog backed by a comprehensive email funnel involving various automations.

Moreover, we set out to create an atmosphere of a traditional barbershop whose barbers care for their clients deeply. For this reason, the website gives the air of a laid-back environment for your regular dose of self-care. This mood was achieved by featuring warm photography, muted colour palette, and designing custom graphic elements.


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Website Design For Wedding Day M&M

A professionally designed wedding website is an elegant, customised space online for you to share your love story, provide wedding information, integrate online RSVP’s, link to your gift registry, and share photos from your big day.

Make planning your big day easier and share your special day with all your guests, hassle-free!


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Website Design For Wedding Day A&S

A professionally designed wedding website is an elegant, customised space online for you to share your love story, provide wedding information, integrate online RSVP’s, link to your gift registry, and share photos from your big day.

Make planning your big day easier and share your special day with all your guests, hassle-free!


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Website Design for Hunting Safari

Hatari Big Game Safari’s wanted a website for upper class hunters. Marius noted they are “a breed of its own” and should be guided through the sales funnel similarly to the way they think. So we based the website design on the WHEN? WHAT? WHERE? HOW? WHY? that all hunters want to know when booking a hunt.

Moreover, we offered clear instructions on how to book a hunt and described the hunting experience. To highlight the high quality of the hunting service we added elements that speak upper class: subtle golden elements, a graceful font. Also, lots of space was made for images and galleries. As a result, HBGS immediately started generating leads.


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E-commerce Website Design For Lamb Butcher

Hatari Lamb Meat sells premium quality whole lamb. What sets their website apart is the customisation function incorporated on their sales page. As a result, visitors can customise their whole lamb according to a drop down list of various cuts.

Our mission was to build trust with visitors to ensure they shop without hesitation. Also, we wanted to evoke emotions through imagery and videos that will prompt visitors to take action. We added several shades of gold and red and light grey accents to the palette. The wavy lines and subtle gradients emphasize the friendliness and trustworthiness of this brand.


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Banners and Sliders

  • What is a banner?
    For a good few years now the first thing you see when a home page opens is a banner image, also called a hero image. It fills the screen and normally has some sort of headline text.
  • Whats the difference between a banner and a slider.
    Banners are static and sliders are animated. Meaning text and images move onto or off the page while the background image remains static. By adding sliders (images) a new arrangement of images and animations can automatically slide onto the screen.
  • Can I have a video banner?
    Yes, a video banner uses slightly different coding but is essentially the same as a static image banner. This is because there are no animations that move across the screen.
  • Can I have a video slider?
    Yes, although we would caution against this as a video set to autoplay with animated graphics moving across it can come across as being too busy.
  • Who provides the images or videos that go into a banner or a slider?
    The images that make up the background of a slider or banner can come from you or you can purchase stock images through our stock image section. Bear in mind that this image must be available in high resolution. As any pixelation will be noticed on large screens.
  • How many animations can I have on each slider.
    Our banner designs accomodate for up to 8 animations per slider.
  • What does animation mean when referring to a slider.
    Slider animation is different to movie animation in that the element that moves eg text or an image is itself static. Behind the scenes it is encapsulated in an invisible container. This container is then moved onto the page in a variety of ways. For example it can slide in from the left or right or top or bottom. Or it can fade, or bounce or wobble onto the page. There are a multitude of ways sliders can be animated.
  • Can I Only have a banner on my home page?
    Banners or sliders can be put onto any of your webpages. Although most websites tend to forgo full screen banner on their subpages.

How Many Words

  • How many words I need?
    If you haven’t created any website copy yet, then a good rule of thumb is as follows. A average of 600-700 words per page is optimal for SEO. Websites with less than 300 words per page are considered “thin” by Google's standards and, most likely, won't rank as highly in search.
  • How do I work out how many words I need?
    If you select "Number of Pages = 4 webpages" and "How Many Words = 600 words" then your per page word count will be = 150 words per page (600/4). However, a word count of 300 words per page is recommended.

Copy and Copywriting

  • What is copywriting?
    Copywriting is the re-arranging of words to make things sell better. It is a text form of salesmanship. But there’s a lot more to it than that.
  • What is copy?
    The word copy can have slightly different meanings depending on what industry is using it. In advertising and marketing, it means wording that is arranged in such a manner as to encourage consumers to buy goods or services. But when it’s used in publishing for example a book or magazine, it’s generally considered as the text material found in that publication.
  • What is website copy or copywriting?
    The text information you put onto your website will play a big role in your site visitors’ decision-making process. How you say what you say can be the difference between a sale or no sale.
    However, website copy fulfills another purpose as well. To better understand this we need to look across into the field commonly known as SEO or Search Engine Optimisation. Simply put this means, that in order to be ‘found’ online, aka appear high in search engine results. Your text content must also accommodate for the words and phrases your buying public use when searching for your industry online.
    So not only must your website’s content be accurate and written in a way that is easy to read and gain knowledge from, but it must also include the words and phrases that someone who has no insight into your industry is most likely to use when searching for the service or product you provide.
  • How you write depends on your target audience.
    The days of writing copy that appeals to everyone are gone. There are a multitude of audiences in the world. Each of them having the ability to click out and away from your website without explanation. Keeping your audience depends on speaking the right language.

    For example, we would expect the text on an investment banker’s website to be very conservative, slang words would be considered inappropriate. Getting help with your website’s copy can make a huge difference in the long run and is well worth considering.

Upload Images

  • When a website needs more than 10 images per page.
    Depending on your business you may have lots of images that need to be uploaded. Here at Media Muse we accommodate for up to 10 client provided images per page design. Should you require more images you are welcome to upload them yourself or ask us to do this for you. Our service includes optimizing the image prior to upload (reducing its kb size) as well as ensuring file names are relevant to the subject matter they are supporting.
  • Tip
    Correctly naming your image files can help your search engine rankings.

Upload Portfolio

  • What is a Portfolio
    Similar to a blog article, portfolio items appear on their own page and that page can be formatted in any number of layouts. The difference with a portfolio comes in the additional functionality.

Upload Articles

  • What is a Blog
    A blog (a truncation of “weblog”) is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
  • Are blogs good for SEO?
    Blogging helps boost SEO quality by positioning your website as a relevant answer to your customers' questions. Blog posts that use a variety of on-page SEO tactics can give you more opportunities to rank in search engines and make your site more appealing to visitors.
  • What sort of information can a blog article contain?
    A post can contain pretty much any sort of information and can be laid out in a variety of ways. The choice is yours. For example you may have a collection of newsletters that you want site visitors to have access to.

Content Upload

  • What does ‘Content Upload’ mean?
    This section is for those who are upgrading their websites and already have a lot of online content that needs to go into the new website. For example years worth of photographs or newsletters.

Web Pages

  • What is a Website Page?
    A website page is an online document with it’s own unique address. To see this for yourself watch how the address in the website address bar changes each time you click into a new page.
  • A One Page Website
    As you would expect choosing the one page option gets you a one page website. One pagers have become very popular with the mobile device generation. Instead of clicking and having a new page open, all your content is placed on a single page and clicking simply scrolls you to the relevant section. These websites are designed for mobile but look just as good on a desktop pc.
  • How much content can I put onto a webpage?
    Technically a web page can be as long or as short as you want it to be. Please bear in mind though, that here at Media Muse we have a 400 words per page limit. This doesn’t mean that your web page cant have more sections or words, just that we’ll need to find out more about what you need in order to provide you with a competitive quote.

Type OF website

  • Standard Website Design
    As you would expect a Standard Website has a selection of pages which your visitor can navigate to by clicking on any of the menu buttons. Traditionally these websites have a Home page, an About page, a Services and or Products Page and a Contact Page. They allow you to feature information and images about your service or product. A standard website can be arranged or organized in many different ways. With links to pages that feature popular products in the text of your home page as well as through buttons in your navigation bar. Except for the navigation and footer bars every page on a Standard Website can be completely unique.
  • An e-Commerce Website
    An e-Commerce website is similar to a standard website with the exception that it includes a product database with an associated set of templates to display these products. So while it is possible to have unique pages on an e-Commerce website. For example the companies About page or a Blog Page. The product section of an e-Commerce website is more structured. Each product is displayed on it’s page in a uniform way.
  • WordPress
    All our websites, both standard and e-commerce are built using WordPress.